joi, 16 iulie 2015

The Three “Secrets” to Day Trading Success

Trading can be simple, but it’s not easy. And trading is definitely more difficult if you complicate it.

Remember the saying: “A Confused Mind Takes No Action.” As a trader, you MUST take action, every single day; therefore, you must avoid confusion.

So keep it simple. Very simple.

Here are the three “Secrets” to Day Trading Success

 Secret 1: Trading In the Right Direction
You must buy when the market is going up and sell when the market is going down. That’s how money is made.

 Secret 2: Always Know When To Exit A Trade
It is essential that you know when it’s the right time to exit with a profit AND when it’s the right time to exit with a loss.

 Secret 3: Trade the Right Market
The right market is a trending market. As you know, money is made in trends – either up or down – so you dramatically increase your chances of making money if you trade a trending market.

Now you know why I put the word “secrets” in quotation marks. These are not “secrets” at all.

Unfortunately, though, most traders don’t realize the importance of these facts and tend to forget them.

Losing traders focus on finding a “magic method” of trading, visiting countless websites and spending hundreds and thousands of dollars on books, courses, and software packages.
Don’t make the same mistake. Keep your trading simple.

Remember, the “secrets” to day trading success are universal. They apply to every market, whether you’re trading stocks, futures, options, or forex. And they apply to every timeframe, which is why they’re so powerful.

Focus on the “secrets:”
1.) Learn how to determine whether the market is going up or going down.

2.) Learn when to exit a trade, when to take a profit, and when to bail if the market is not moving in your favor.

3.) And learn how to find the right market.

Don’t make your trading overly complicated. Stick to the basics. As you already know, if you can’t drive a Ford, you won’t be able to drive a Ferrari. And if you can’t drive a car at 10mph, you shouldn’t try to drive it at 80mph.
Remember Power Principle #1: Use Few Rules – Make It Easy to Understand . That’s how your trading plan should be.

Action Items:
 Take a look at your trading plan right now and answer the following questions:

 o Have you found an easy way to identify the direction of the market?

o What tools or indicators are you using?

 o Are you using more than two indicators? Are they complementing each other or contradicting each other?

 o Can you describe your entry rules in two lines or less?

 o Do you know exactly when to exit a trade?

 o Do you know when to exit a trade even before you enter it?

o Are you sure you’re trading the right market? Did you select a market based on your goals or based on a “friend’s” recommendation?

o Did you evaluate other markets to see if there’s an alternative market which may support your goals and your trading strategy BETTER than the one you're trading now?

duminică, 12 iulie 2015

Oportunitate de tranzactionare 13 Iulie 2015 USDCHF

Pe Time-frame-ul Daily al perechii valutare USDCHF am indentificat un pattern numit Congestion (Congestie) , iar ultima lumanare indica faptul ca aceasta Congestie a fost "strapunsa" in jos, lucru care semnaleaza o posibilitate de miscare in jos in urmatoarele zile de tranzactionare.

Personal, iau in considerare deschiderea unei pozitii short avand urmatorii parametrii ai tranzactiei :

1. Intrare in Piata la pretul 0.9356.
2. Stop Loss la pretul 0.9500
3. Take Profit la pretul 0.9200

UPDATE : Pretul nu a atins nivelul 0.9356 motiv pentru care nu am intrat in tranzactie. Mergem mai departe. :)

sâmbătă, 11 iulie 2015

Successful traders ...

Here are some important characteristics of successful traders:

 Successful traders do not blame. They accept the losses they have, and they don’t dwell on them, or blame other people or conditions. They learn from their mistakes and move on with their trading.

 Successful traders have a system. They stick to their system of trading religiously.

 Successful traders have patience. They know that most positions will not be profitable the minute they are opened.

 Successful traders do not overtrade. They realize that overtrading puts their account at risk, and they know that not every day is a day for trading. They wait for high probability opportunities.

 Successful traders realize that nothing is 100% foolproof. They trust in their indicators, but they are aware of other factors that may influence their trades.

 Successful traders do not stay in a losing trade. They honor the stop losses that they set, and they do not hold their position in the hopes that the market will eventually “go their way.”

 Successful traders do not rush into trades. They take their time while selecting trades, and they are picky about which trades to jump on. They don’t place orders just for the sake of having a position in the market every second.

 Successful traders stick to a successful strategy. They have one to three techniques that really work, and they use them over, and over, and over again.

 Successful traders have the ability to adapt. They adjust their trading methods and decisions to changing market conditions.


 Successful traders know what type of trader they are. They don’t force themselves to trade with methods or strategies that do not fit their personality.

 Successful traders bank on consistent profits. They know that ignoring the small-profit trades and angling for a “grand slam” is a sure way to lose money.

 Successful traders take action. They don’t let their fear control their decisions or interfere with their trading.

 Successful traders use successful systems. Their trading methods and indicators focus on high probability trades, sound money management, keeping their strategies free of curve-fitting, and working their system into their business plans for successful implementation.

 Successful traders recognize a “good” trade. They don’t base their evaluation on profits or losses; they base it on whether or not they followed their trading plan to the letter. Even if they DID lose money, as long as they stuck to their plan, it is a “good” trade.

 Successful traders take time off. They realize the importance of taking breaks from trading and the markets to clear their heads.

 Successful traders do not fear losses. They realize that losses are a part of their business, and they expect them.

If you can adopt the right psychological mindset, then you’ll gain a significant edge in the market.

luni, 6 iulie 2015

Cum sa faci bani in forex daca nu ai disciplina ?

Raspunsul intrebarii din titlu este : nu se pot face bani fara disciplina.

Disciplina este o abilitate, un skill pe care ti-l poti dezvolta prin experienta si reprezinta " puterea de a respecta niste reguli pe care tu ti le-ai ales si in care crezi, pentru a atinge un obiectiv pe care ti l-ai propus." - asa cum zice Bogdan Popescu in ultimul sau articol de pe blog .

Povestea lui cu Piata Forex o gasesti accesand urmatorul link .

Citeste articolul si reaminteste-ti: trading-ul forex este o afacere si orice afacere are nevoie de disciplina din partea celui care gestioneaza afacerea.

Daca ti-a placut articolul lui Bogdan, ofera-i un Like si un Share pe Facebook, G+ etc .

Cu stima, Paveliuc Dan Nicolae.

vineri, 5 iunie 2015

Istoria se repeta si in forex ...

In anul 2001 pe 11 septembrie s-a intamplat nenoricirea cu cele doua blocuri turn care au fost daramate in urma atentatelor si tin minte ca moneda americana a fost drastic destabilizata din cauza acestui eveniment . Toti cei care aveau depozite in dolari vroiau sa scape de aceasta moneda si sa cumpere franci elvetieni si euro (care abia se lansase pe piata ca moneda) . Dar la cateva zile de la eveniment, pretul dolarului a crescut la loc. In aceasta furtuna de fluctuatii de pret, multi oameni au pierdut bani, dar cei cu experienta pe piata valutara au facut bani.

Cum au pierdut oamenii bani este usor de inteles. Dar cum au facut traderii forex bani in urma acestui eveniment o stiu doar cei care stau zi de zi cu graficele in fata si urmaresc piata cum traseaza pattern-uri vizibile in platforma de tranzactionare .

La fel s-a intamplat si in anul 2015 pe 15 ianuarie atunci cand evenimentele economice imprevizibile din Elvetia au falimentat pe unii si i-au imbogatit pe altii.

Este fascinant cum lumea forex-ului ne arata ca pe Pamant exista un echilibru in ce priveste banii : evenimentele fac sa apara situatii in care banii circula de la cei care au catre cei care nu au de-ajuns, dar si de la cei care au prea multi la cei care au prea putini . Aceasta teorie am regasit-o prima data cand am citit o lucrare scrisa de John Nash, laureat al premiului Nobel in Economie , teorie care mi-a placut si m-a facut sa inteleg mai bine rostul evenimentelor in forex.

Stim de la alti autori ca "piata are memorie" si ca pe acolo pe unde a fost o data pretul, el va mai trece o data . Istoria se repeta .

Acum, daca stim acest lucru, cum facem sa profitam de pe urma fluctuatiilor de pret ?

In primul rand, trebuie sa studiem si sa invatam sisteme de tranzactionare care au functionat inainte si care functioneaza si acum.

Eu personal am ales ca material de baza pentru a invata un sistem eficient pdf-ul Legea Graficelor scris de Joe Ross (The Law Of Charts) si pdf-ul Day Trading Forex. Aceste materiale eu le consider ca fiind de baza daca vrei sa inveti sa profiti de fluctuatiile preturilor perechilor valutare.

Altceva nu recomand pentru ca nu am testat si nu stiu ce rezultate pot aduce , dar aceste materiale mie mi-au deschis ochii sa nu mai fug dupa promotii de pdf-uri de la brokerii de retail.

Istoria se repeta, iar ca sa anticipam evenimentele avem nevoie sa ne raportam la niste pattern-uri simple, cum sunt 1-2-3 - urile pe care le-am invatat de la Joe Ross, si sa verificam aceste pattern-uri atat pe istoric cat si direct in Piata .

Dar, pentru a fi eficienti, este nevoie de munca . Munca multa . Trading-ul nu este usor si nu este o activitate baza pe noroc.

Eu unul, nu sunt norocos , dar am observat ca, cu cat muncesc mai mult cu atat si rezultatele sunt mai multe si mai bune.

Daca iti place sa tranzactionezi este bine. Dar daca vrei rezultate notabile ai nevoie de studiu si munca . Si cum am stabilit mai inainte , pentru ca exista un echilibru si in domeniul tranzactionarii, daca depui efort suficient atunci o sa inclini balanta si de partea ta , in cazul in care pana acum a stat in favoarea celeilalte parti. :)

Pe final de articol, te las cu un citat dintr-o carte care mi-a placut mult :

"Calea spre succes nu este totdeauna dreapta.Lumea este o stare de permanent flux si schimbare. Drumul tau catre varf va avea un numar mare de ocolisuri, schimbari de directie, cotituri si viraje. Asteapta-te la o calatorie incitanta, aventuroasa. Este interesanta, este amuzanta si in mod sigur nu este previzibila. " - Donald Trump .

Iti doresc mult succes in tot ce faci si spor la studiat si la facut bani cu banii.

Cu stima si respect, Dan Paveliuc.